CPP30316 Certificate III in Cleaning Operations

Certificate III in Cleaning Operations
Course Code:
Certificate III

CPP30316 Certificate III in Cleaning Operations

Suitable Course Candidate

This qualification applies to individuals working in the cleaning industry as cleaners responsible for planning work, liaising with customers and operating in a range of general domestic and commercial settings as well as specialist cleaning environments

Duties at this level may include selecting the method of cleaning to be used and ensuring safe work practices.

Qualification Pathway

Successful candidates graduating with this certificate will have the skills and knowledge to fill positions in their industry or workplace, working in a supervisory or managerial role in a variety of departments.

Occupational titles may include:

Domestic cleaner
Commercial cleaner
Vehicle detailer
Boat detailer

Course Units

To gain a CPP30316 Certificate III in Cleaning Operations the student is required to complete a total of 14 Units. While 5 of the units are compulsory for every student, plus 9 elective units.

The elective units must ensure the integrity of the AQF alignment and contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome and are to be chosen as follows:

  • all 9 units may be chosen from the elective units listed below
  • up to 3 units may be chosen from other Certificate III or Certificate IV qualifications in CPP or another current Training Package or accredited course, provided they do not duplicate the outcome of another unit chosen for the qualification.

Core Units

National Course Code

Unit Name


Clean using safe work practices


Confirm and apply privacy and security requirements for cleaning work


Remove waste and recyclable materials


Maintain cleaning storage areas


Provide effective client service

Course Charges

Course charges for each qualification delivered in a Traineeship arrangement will be charged at the prescribed rate of $3.25 per nominal hour commenced, and each unit of competency in each course has a nominal hour allocated to it. Please CLICK HERE   for each unit of competency’s nominal hour allocation and multiply by the prescribed rate, currently at $3.25. Any unit commenced will be charged to the student or employer if engaged in workplace training in compliance of the VET FEES & CHARGES POLICY 2021 

Example:   SITXWHS101 Participate in safe work practices   = 15 nominal hours = $48.75

Course charges vary due to the electives selected  and units will be charged once commenced at yearly nominal rate fee

Contact info@tiawa.com.au or call 1300 60 62 67 for any course you wish to review for yourself or your workplace and relevant charges.

The Student tuition fees are indicative only and are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Additional fees may apply such as student service and resource fees.

Recognition of Prior Learning

RPL is a form of assessment that acknowledges skills and knowledge gained through:
• Formal training conducted by industry or education, Work experience & Life experience
The main principle of RPL focuses on the outcomes of learning rather than when or where the learning occurred. Evidence of competency is collected by the student and submitted to the nominated assessor and assessment is made based on the required industry standard within the relevant training package unit of competency. If you believe this may apply to you for any part of the course, then you should request an application kit during the enrolment process.

TIAWA recognises statements of attainments and qualifications issues by any another Registered Training Organisation within Australia.

The Certificate III in Cleaning Operations can lead to careers as a:

Domestic cleaner
Commercial cleaner
Vehicle detailer
Boat detailer